1:1 Joy of Life Mentoring
Back to the joy of life
A journey to yourself – who are you, who are you really?
Find inner peace and contentment
Feel your energy again
Go through life with joy again
Embark on a journey back to yourself, back to your joy of life.
You feel tired, exhausted and somehow in a bad mood, and this starts already in the morning when you get up?
You do not really feel like getting started, horror scenarios are already playing out before your eyes even before the first coffee, or at least the expectation of unpleasant situations?
But of course you still dutifully drag yourself to work. You go through the day. With the aim of ideally not letting anybody notice your state of mind.
On the outside you function, but it costs you so much energy. Everything is exhausting. And at the end of the day, you’re at the end of your wits too.
Meeting with friends – too exhausting. Leisure activities or exercising – too tired. Then rather chilling on the sofa, with a glass of wine and watching TV. To fall into bed at some point. And the next morning, it starts all over again. Day in, day out.
Then you have come to the right place here.
In a bright moment you wonder, when did it start, when did you lose the joy of living? And above all, why?
It will have been a gradual process. In the beginning, it was perhaps just a couple of days, some moments, when you felt off, unhappy. At first you push those feelings away, so what. But they will be back. With full force.
That nagging thought, could that have been everything? You hardly dare to think about it. Let alone talk about it. You have the “perfect” life after all. Or so it seems. Your friends, your family, the people around you react with a lack of understanding. And now? If you are completely honest with yourself, you realize that something should and needs to change.
Set out on a quest to find yourself. You may!
Who are you, the real you, behind the countless facades and masks? Go on the journey. Find yourself and your inner self, find your why, find your joy of life.
Alone, it can feel difficult at first, even scary. In company it is not only easier, but there also might be a more pleasant and faster way.
Let’s go on your journey together.
In your Joy of Life Mentoring:
You gain clarity.
You find out step-by-step what you really want for yourself and your life. This clarity is the foundation for more satisfaction and joy in everyday life.
You decode your thinking patterns
You recognize which patterns and beliefs are part of your life and how you can use them intentionally or change them for yourself.
You dissolve blockages
With practical methods and effective tools that you can easily integrate into your everyday life.
Find your inner peace and joy of life
Thus you have more energy in everyday life, feel energetic and in balance and radiate more joy again.
Your travel companion to more joy of life
Hello, I am Ute
and I know this journey I am talking about.
After many years of “unconsciously” traveling through my life, in the last few years I have started to find out who I am, what I want and what I am in this world for. Through this process of “becoming aware” I have found back to my long buried joy of life.
How did it come about? The unconscious life journey had been fun at first. Everything worked out, I just functioned and didn’t really question it. It was only when the whole construct became fragile – in my case due to a job change – that emptiness suddenly struck. The purpose of life was gone and the search for new life content began.
The beginning of the journey from unconsciousness to consciousness, through trial and error, adventurousness and openness. I discarded a lot, adopted some things, only to realize in the end: It’s all in my hands.
In over 20 years working in international communications, I have not only met and worked with people all around the globe, but also different cultures. During this time, I could notice again and again that the differences are immense, especially when it comes to joy of life in an everyday context. Some cultures inherently have more joy of life, some not so much. The perspectives are diverse, and depend on cultural and individual patterns and different beliefs.
And yet, in the end, joy (of life) is in all of us!
We just have to consciously recognize and live it.
In my 1:1 Joy of Life Mentoring I combine my life and professional experience with the insights of my own journey to myself, with the goal to support you on your path – towards more awareness, inner peace, contentment and your personal joy of life.
Your travel DESTINATION:
Your joy of life is back!
After the mentoring and our journey together:
You radiate joy again.
You feel fit and full of energy.
You give yourself the appreciation you deserve.
Your life is fun and you enjoy it.
You go through your life serene and content.
You know who you are and trust yourself.
Your path to more joy of life
Schritt 1
Termin vereinbaren
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Schritt 2
Reiseziel erkunden
Der erste Schritt ist gemacht!
In einem persönlichen Gespräch finden wir heraus, wo Du gerade stehst, wo Du hin möchtest und wie ich Dich auf Deiner Reise hin zu mehr Lebensfreude unterstützen kann.
Du gewinnst durch dieses Gespräch Klarheit für Dich und Deinen Weg. Zudem wirst Du sehen, wie gut es tut, sich verstanden zu fühlen, und wie erleichternd es ist, wenn Du nach diesem Call ein erstes Loslassen fühlen kannst.
Schritt 3
Deine Reise beginnt
Du hast Dich entschieden, dann kann es losgehen.
Ich begleite Dich auf Deiner Reise und den unterschiedlichen Etappen hin zu mehr Lebensfreude, Glücksgefühl, innerer Ruhe und jeder Menge Energie.
Every journey and every change begins with the first step.
Take your first step now.