Ute Haug – Mentor & Speaker
Joy of life is in all of us. We just need to rediscover it.
Especially nowadays, when uncertainty and crises seem to dominate more and more on the outside, it is even more important to create stability for yourself and your own being and to build a good mindset – ultimately creating joy on the inside. It doesn’t happen overnight; it’s a journey. I have made this journey myself.
Today, through my mentoring I accompany others on their journey towards more joy of life. Also I deliver keynotes and hold talks and workshops on joy of life, resilience and mindset.
Ute Haug is with:
Who is Ute Haug? Short & to the point.
International communication has shaped my life. In over 20 years of intercultural work, from entry-level professional to executive, I have met and worked with people around the globe. This has given me an understanding of how to deal with different people and cultures. The differences are immense, especially when it comes to joy of life in everyday life. Some cultures inherently have more joy of life, some not so much. And yet there is joy of life in all of us.
Today I combine my life and professional experience with the insights of my own journey to myself. In this way I create and live my own joy of life, convey it to others and support them on their way – creating joy by creating joy, a win-win situation.
My mission is:
To inspire people around the world to set out on their own path and live their joy of life.
My personal story.
From pure functioning to conscious living and real joy of life.
Joy of life, self-discovery, etc. – if you had asked me about such topics a few years ago, I would have smiled mildly at best and thought the whole thing was pretty much nonsense. I took my own functioning for granted.
I was so sure of my rational self, my beliefs, my outside world. It wouldn’t have occurred to me to question everything. And possibly risk leaving my seemingly safe path in the process. Maybe in a fleeting moment, ok, but please not really, not me. That was something for those “crazy esoterics” out there.
And what am I doing today – holding speeches about how to bring joy of life in the broadest sense to the world.
How did it come about? The unconscious life journey had worked for a long time, I functioned. Until the moment when the whole construct became fragile – in my case due to a job change. Emptiness suddenly spread. The purpose of life was gone and the search for new life content began.
The beginning of the journey from unconsciousness to consciousness, via trial and error, adventurousness and openness. I discarded a lot, adopted some things, only to realize in the end: It’s all in my own hands.
“Accept then act.” (Eckhart Tolle) – From this comes freedom.
In the beginning, there is awareness. Realize that life is in your own hands. Get out of the victim role, get out of the comfort zone. And this is exactly where I start today with keynotes, lectures, workshops and with my joy of life mentoring in order to bring more joy of life into the world. Because we all have it within us. We just have to find it (again).
But joy of life does not mean getting up every morning beaming with joy and happiness, but rather carrying a certain basic satisfaction within yourself, having confidence in yourself and the self-confidence that everything will somehow work out. That a bad day is followed by good days again. Not every day is happy-go-lucky. Life is an up and down. To accept this and yet to remain in trust, to rest in this inner certainty and to act out of it, that is what conscious joy of life is in my eyes.
My values – That’s what I stand for:
For me, the ultimate freedom is achieved when I take responsibility for my own happiness in life. Loosely based on the slogan, “It’s none of my business what others think about me.”
Authentic communication
Persuasiveness through authenticity. That is, everything I say and do comes from within me. No facades, no masks, everything is real.
Structure and organization
A good structure and organization create time, free space and ensure trust. Trust in ourselves, in relationships and in change. During our cooperation, we will find your peronal “(travel) agenda”.
10 locations. 10 facts.
Discover and learn more about me
Berlin, geliebte Homebase, von hier aus in die Welt. Perfekte Symbiose aus kosmopolitischer Luxusschnitte und schwäbischem Sparbrötchen.
Frankreich / Paris
Sehnsuchtsland für viele, für mich eine neue Arbeitswelt, voller neuer Erkenntnisse und neuer interkultureller Erfahrung.
Während meiner Zeit in Johannesburg hat es mich immer wieder fasziniert, wie fröhlich und gutgelaunt trotz aller Probleme die Menschen dort waren. Außerdem Lieblingstier Giraffe!
Südamerika (Peru oder Buenos Aires)
USA (New York und Kalifornien)
Peanut Butter M&Ms. Und das positive Mindset. Für mich ein Energie-Ort.
Die Welt – Meine Leidenschaft für Reisen.
Berlin, geliebte Homebase, von hier aus in die Welt. Perfekte Symbiose aus kosmopolitischer Luxusschnitte und schwäbischem Sparbrötchen.
Frankreich / Paris
Sehnsuchtsland für viele, für mich eine neue Arbeitswelt, voller neuer Erkenntnisse und neuer interkultureller Erfahrung.
Während meiner Zeit in Johannesburg hat es mich immer wieder fasziniert, wie fröhlich und gutgelaunt trotz aller Probleme die Menschen dort waren. Außerdem Lieblingstier Giraffe!
Südamerika (Peru oder Buenos Aires)
Spanisch als eine meiner Herzenssprachen. Damals für einen peruanischen Brieffreund gelernt, heute verbindet uns eine über 30jährige Freundschaft. Oder ein langes Wochenende in Buenos Aires, kann man mal machen!
USA (New York und Kalifornien)
Peanut Butter M&Ms. Und das positive Mindset. Für mich ein Energie-Ort.
Die Welt – Meine Leidenschaft für Reisen.
How I can successfully support you
Your travel companion on the way to more joy of life
I work with individuals and groups, especially in a business context, as well as at events and conferences:
1:1 Mentoring – online
Back to your joy of life
Zest for life instead of frustration?
You have the feeling of “just functioning“. Just functioning, day in, day out. Somehow everything works. But you are not really happy, if you are honest with yourself, and you don’t want to go on like this, but finally change something?
Then let’s talk and go on your journey together: Back to your joy of life.
Mindset. Resilience. Joy of life.
Motivational Keynotes, Workshops & Presentations
You want to upgrade your next event, symposium or conference and make it memorable? Have a successful event that will be remembered?
I would be happy to support you as a speaker.